
At the same time, as the bottom of the “oeillet” is also colder than the water, the salt crystallises on the clay. This is coarse salt, which will be finer if the water is hot. If it is too hot for several days/weeks, the clay base becomes so hot that...

Climatic conditions

A harvest “salt on salt” is not possible for Guérande salt. This technique, in which the upper layer of salt is scraped off before it becomes too hard, requires the crystallisation ponds to be “lined” with salt to prevent contact with the...

The history 2

From the middle of the 1960s, improvements in road transport and the industrialisation of production in the south and east of France hurt the small regional producers who were also now experiencing European competition. It is from this date that the “Compagnie...

The history 1

From the beginning of the basin’s development, Guérande pushed its salt workers out of its walls to the villages of Saillé, Clis and Queniquen, but the town didn’t forget to reap the colossal profits. In the 9th century, the term “Varrande”...

Produit en Bretagne

Depuis 2010, TRADYSEL est adhérente de l’association « Produit en Bretagne » qui forte de ses 30 ans de militantisme, contribue encore plus aujourd’hui au maintien des emplois de proximité dans notre région. L’idée était d’associer les...