Tuna and salmon marinated with
Guérande Flower of salt
Recipe for 4 people
Preparation: 20 min
Refrigeration: 12 hours
Place 150 g of extra fresh white tuna fillets and 150 g of wild salmon fillets in the freezer for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove them and slice them into fine strips. Place them in a flat dish.
Drizzle with the juice of 2 limes, a tablespoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of TRADYSEL coarse Guérande salt, fresh chopped parsley and chives. Season with pepper.
Cover with film and marinate for 12 hours.
Sprinkle with TRADYSEL flower of salt and serve.
Serve with a white Sauvignon wine.

Scallops with endive compote with Guérande Flower of salt
Recipe for 4 people
Preparation: 20 min
Cooking: 35 min
Brown a chopped shallot 2 min in a frying pan with a tablespoon of olive oil. Add the rinsed, chopped endives. Mix for 2 mins.
Add a pinch of sugar, lemon juice, season with salt and pepper, then simmer covered for 25 mins, mixing from time to time.
Rinse and dry 8 fresh scallops, prepared by your fishmonger. Cook 1 min 30 on each side in a hot, oiled frying pan.
Divide the endives between the 4 empty shells, previously boiled and dry, or 4 small dishes, and place the scallops on top. Cook under the grill for 2 to 3 minutes. Season with TRADYSEL flower of salt, Espelette pepper and freshly ground pepper and serve.
Serve with a white Graves wine.
Free-range guinea fowl in a salt crust
Recipe for 4 people
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 1h30
Prick a free-range guinea fowl with 2 garlic cloves and 2 small unpeeled shallots. Prepare a mixture of one tablespoon of olive oil, and colza oil, and brush the oil mixture all over the poultry. Place in a non stick pan.
Make the salt crust: in a bowl, mix 2.5 kg of TRADYSEL grey sea salt, 500 g of egg whites and 2 tablespoons of thyme, preferably fresh. In an ovenproof dish, make a base with part of the mixture, place the guinea fowl on top. Cover with the rest of the coarse salt mixture.
Cook in the oven at 180°C thermostat 6 for 1h30.
Before serving, break the salt crust in front of your guests. Accompany the guinea fowl with a shredded cabbage fondue and the meat juice flavoured with green pepper.
Cooking in a salt crust enables an incomparable moistness, a concentration of flavours and reduces the use of oils and fats.
Recipe by Pierre-Yves Lorgeoux

Butter with goat cheese, and Flower of salt
Chop a bunch of spring onions, and mix it with 250g of extra fine churned butter and 150g of fresh goat cheese with a pinch of rosemary needles and a teaspoon of Fleur de sel TRADYSEL.
Serve on a veal cutlet or a piece of grilled beef.
Red beetroot in salt crust and herb butter
Recipe for 4 people
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 2h00
Start by cleaning the beetroot under a stream of water, taking care to remove all soil.
Prepare 2 kg of TRADYSEL grey sea salt. Place a thick 4cm layer of coarse salt in a baking tray, place the beetroot, and completely cover with the rest of the coarse salt. Be very generous with the salt covering.
Cook in the oven at 140°C (Th. 5) for 2 hours. Let it cool for 40 minutes then break the salt crust and remove the beetroot’s skin.
Cut into four and serve hot with just-melted butter with chopped chervil, tarragon and coriander. To finish, add a drizzle of balsamic vinegar, freshly ground pepper and a few pinches of TRADYSEL flower of salt before tasting.
Recipe by Alain Passard

Biscuits with sesame and Guérande flower of salt
For 50 small biscuits of 5 cm diameter:
Mix 150 g of flour with 125 g of nut powder, 100 g of sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, 2 teaspoons of TRADYSEL flower of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar.
Make a well in the centre; pour in 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 2 tablespoons of water.
Mix with fingertips until you obtain a ball.
Divide the mixture into two balls, cover with film and place 1 hour in the refrigerator.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C (th. 6).
Spread baking paper over an oven sheet.
Divide the mixture into 50 small balls, the size of a walnut, and flatten each ball on a floured surface to obtain a disc. You can also use a rolling pin or the base of a glass.
Cook for 20 to 25 mins until golden, then allow to cool on a rack
Dulce de leche (milk jam) with Guérande flower of salt
Quantity for 500 g
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking: 3 hours
In a large pan, put 500 g of sugar, 50 g of acacia honey and 1 litre of milk and simmer gently for 3 hours, stirring every 5 to 10 minutes.
During this time, prepare jam pots by washing them in very hot water.
When the ‘jam’ is thick (the consistency of concentrated milk) add a teaspoon of TRADYSEL Flower of salt whilst continuing to stir, remove from heat.
Pour the ‘jam’ into the pots, close them and turn them. They can be conserved for 1 month.
The ‘milk jam’ (dulce de leche) is ready, and can be eaten once cool!

Fruit mendiants (chocolates) with flower of salt
For a professional result, you must first temper the chocolate.
Cut the chocolate into small pieces. Melt 2/3 of it over a bain-marie (water). The temperature must not exceed 55°C for dark chocolate, 50°C for milk chocolate and 40°C for white chocolate. Use a sugar thermometer to control the temperature.
Remove from the bain-marie, then add the remaining chocolate. This stage reduces the chocolate’s temperature so that it crystallises correctly and. keeps its brilliance and crunch.
Reduce the temperature to 27/28°C for dark and milk chocolate and 26/27°C for white chocolate.
To work with the chocolate, you must maintain it at a temperature of 30 to 31°C for dark, 29 to 30°C for milk and 28 to 29°C for white chocolate.
Keep the bain-marie handy to maintain the chocolate at the correct temperature.
Using a piping bag, or more simply two teaspoons, place a bit of chocolate on a tray covered with greaseproof paper.
Before the chocolate cools, place several candied fruits or nuts (nuts, almonds, pistachios, whole or broken walnuts, candied fruit (orange or lemon)) and a pinch of TRAD Y SEL flower of salt on the top.
You can also use dried fruits (apricot, raisins, mango), spices (cinnamon, red berries), crunchy pearls, fizzy sugar or sweets.