The know-how of Tradysel

TRADYSEL has opened a new path for salt producers in Guérande. It embodies a system intended to extend the agricultural activity of its producers. It produces, packages and markets Guérande salt harvested by its stockholders and it also buys from other independent suppliers.
The production
Producers are chosen for their skill and professionalism. This capacity of choice and exclusion of poor producers ensures regular supplies of a quality product.
The selected Salt Workers are under a three year contract, and sign a specification document which, combined with their perfect knowledge of the environment, and inspections during harvest, guarantees a quality salt produced in the traditional way.
The coarse salt produced during the year is never used directly by TRAD Y SEL. It is firstly stored. This enables it to dry naturally. The storage takes place on site, in adjacent storage areas or close to the processing areas. It is placed on a thick plastic sheet to avoid contact with the ground, and covered by another sheet to avoid dirt or other pollution. The stock is the most important link in the process, as it guarantees the availability of raw materials whatever the weather.
At the end of each year a quantitative and qualitative review is carried out with each salt provider, compared to the annual contract. If they have additional quantities to deliver, or available stocks, they indicate the location.
It is the time to identify the amounts available for the following year depending on the sellers’ wishes, the number of “oeillets” under production and the nature of the contract desired by the provider: exclusive or not, fixed or free tonnage…
The packaging
From the start, TRADYSEL aims to distribute the salt workers’ production as widely as possible. In fact, all products from the marsh are available in packaging adapted to individuals and professionals.
TRADYSEL has a packaging workshop comprising four packaging lines. The production tool can fill all types of containers – buckets, bags, boxes (cardboard, PET, plastic) and sacks ranging from 125 g to 25 kg.
The tool is adapted to the different types of salt sold in France and internationally.
Whatever the product required, the production cycle starts by sorting the raw material.
This is done mechanically for coarse salt (sieving) and manually for flower of salt.
The TRADYSEL Company focuses on limiting the number of operations so as to ensure the maximum authenticity of the finished product. The idea is not to alter the product with excessive drying or mechanical operations which alter the grain.
The commercialization
Guérande salt has become an essential component in French cuisine, here in our regions and abroad.
TRAD Y SEL brings our passion for the “terroir” (local products) to a clientele of sophisticated consumers, who can tell the difference between industrial table salt and our traditional, pure and unspoilt sea salt.
TRAD Y SEL products are present in food distribution sectors in France and abroad.
Guérande salt is also an ingredient prized for its flavoursome qualities and health benefits.
Our products are aimed at wholesalers/importers of fine grocery products, wholesalers for the restaurant trade, processors, producers of seasoning products.
We can deliver products all over the world; Guérande salt is easy to transport, and thanks to its indefinite shelf life, it can be distributed over the long term.